Mustang Rules – School-Wide Behavior Expectations
Foothills Mustangs are Responsible, Respectful, Safe, and Kind!
The Foothills staff wants our students and parents to know that we believe in the goodness of kids! We do our best to provide the setting where they can thrive!
Positive Consequences for Following Mustang Rules
● A feeling of pride with responsible, respectful, safe, and kind behavior
● Positive phone calls home from the teacher and/or principal.
● Recipient of the Principal’s Pride Award.
● Kindness Slip filled out and announced on morning announcements.
● Grade level winner of Kindness Confetti Dance Party each month.
Consequences for Not Following Mustang Rules
● Work with teacher to resolve situation.
○ Communicate concerns with parents or guardians.
● Work with administrator to resolve situation.
○ Communicate concerns with parents or guardians.
● Most situations can be resolved by working together (students, teachers, parents, and administrators). In the event of significant behavior (fighting, persistent inappropriate language or disrespect of students or staff, bullying, etc.) students may be suspended in or out of school. Please see student conduct policy for additional areas of concern.
Reporting Process
● Students are advised to notify aide(s), teacher(s) or administrator(s) with concerns as they happen. We strive to ensure that all students are safe while at school.
● When incidents are reported, administration, teachers or aides will assess all aspects of the situation before making a decision on how to handle it appropriately.
● When incidents happen, aides will report to teachers. Teachers and administrators will address concerns with parents. Parents are encouraged to communicate concerns with teachers or administrators. The overall goal is to keep communication lines open and work as a team.
Education Process for Students, Parents, Faculty, and Staff
● Students receive instruction on Mustang Rules and Expectations at the beginning of each school year and throughout the year as needed. 3-5 students per class are selected monthly for Principal’s Pride. We believe that emphasizing and recognizing the positive things students are doing in school builds community and encourages students to enjoy school and do their best.
● Students and staff are encouraged to fill out Kindness Slips on the kind acts that are observed throughout the building by students and staff. The kind acts are read over the morning announcements to focus on the positive, kind influence that all students and staff have here at Foothills.
● Faculty and staff receive training on Mustang Rules and Expectations at the beginning of each school year.
● Parents receive information about the Mustang Rules and Expectations at and at the beginning of each school year through the registration process.
Foothills Elementary / Jordan School District Expectations “In a Nutshell”
Selected District Policies
The Jordan School District policy manual may be found at
AA432 – Student Attendance and Teacher Disclosure Statements
- The Board of Education recognizes that regular student attendance at school facilitates academic achievement by maximizing the interaction between students and teachers. The Board also recognizes that regular student attendance at school is mandated by Utah Compulsory Attendance Law 53A-11-101.5, which requires students between the ages of six and 18 to attend school and is critical if schools are to meet the accountability standards set by federal and state legislation. The Board, therefore, delegates to the District and local school administration the responsibility to develop school policies and procedures that promote regular student attendance. The school’s responsibility is to encourage and help students develop positive attendance habits that will enhance opportunities for future success.
- Administrative Policy
- Frequent absences of students from the day-to-day classroom experiences disrupt the instructional process. The benefits of instruction, once lost, cannot be entirely regained. The process of education requires a continuity of instruction, class participation, learning experience, and study. Therefore, the local school will make every effort within the following administrative policy provisions, to encourage regular attendance for all students and to assist parents in their responsibility to have their children attend school regularly.
- Parents/guardians have primary responsibility for regular student attendance at school. School staff and students also share in that responsibility.
- Students are expected to be in attendance every school day in order to receive maximum benefit from their education experiences. If a student is legitimately absent from class, it is his/her responsibility to contact the teacher regarding make-up work. If a student is tardy for class, it is his/her responsibility to contact the school office, teacher, or utilize any other established school procedure so that an unexcused absence is not assessed. It is also a student’s responsibility to obtain a checkout slip from the office when he/she must leave during the school day.
- Parents/guardians are expected to ensure that their children attend school regularly and arrive on time. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to notify school officials of legitimate absences. The parent/guardian must telephone the office to confirm a checkout prior to the student’s leaving during the school day.
- Classroom teachers are required to record and verify daily student attendance. The individual school/teacher will, where appropriate, develop grading and credit policy that promotes attendance, class participation, and academic achievement.
- Administrators shall work cooperatively with students, parents/guardians, teachers, and school guidance personnel to improve student attendance. Administrators shall use earnest and persistent effort, including parent notification, to deter excessive and unexcused student absences.
- Parents/guardians have primary responsibility for regular student attendance at school. School staff and students also share in that responsibility.
AA419 – Student Conduct and Dress
- Board Directive
- Jordan District schools are to provide a safe, wholesome, healthy educational environment where academic learning, personal development, and a sense of pride and accomplishment can flourish. Part of the educational process is learning self discipline and appropriate behavior. Therefore, it is the philosophy of the Jordan School District Board of Education to enforce all Utah laws related to conduct on school premises and school buses and to see that students are taught to preserve public property including all school facilities and equipment.
- The Board also recognizes that dress and grooming seriously affect the behavior of students attending school and may also impact sanitation and safety conditions. Because experience has demonstrated that the learning atmosphere is improved when students both look and act appropriately, the Board hereby authorizes establishment of standards of student conduct, dress, and grooming. The Board delegates to the Administration responsibility to see that each school adheres to the conduct, dress, and grooming standards established in the provisions of this policy in a consistent manner. Further, all District and school staff members shall have a share of responsibility in seeing that these standards are implemented and enforced in classrooms, in school buildings, on school grounds, on school buses, at school activities, and other occasions as appropriate. This policy represents minimum guidelines. Schools can develop additional dress code requirements with input from Student Government, School Community Council, and PTA groups.
- Administrative Policy
- The Administration shall implement Board philosophy according to the following administrative policy provisions:
- Student Conduct
- Classroom Behavior
- Students shall conduct themselves in a manner that contributes to a productive learning atmosphere for themselves and their classmates. Students are expected to be attentive, cooperative, and industrious while in the classroom. Students who habitually disrupt or destroy the learning atmosphere shall be disciplined according to the procedures established in Policy AS67—Discipline of Students.
- Behavior at Assemblies and Activities
- Assemblies and activities shall be considered special student privileges where participation is contingent upon appropriate behavior. Students shall show respect to all performers. Students who disturb, disrupt, or show disrespect shall lose the privilege of attending and may be subjected to disciplinary action as outlined in Policy AS67—Discipline of Students.
- Protection and Care of School Property
- Students shall be expected to use school equipment and facilities appropriately and to behave in such a way that school property is preserved and protected. Students may be disciplined for improper use or treatment of school facilities and/or equipment.
- Behavior at Competitive Events
- Students are expected to demonstrate sportsmanship at all competitive events and to conduct themselves according to the rules of fair play both as spectators and participants. While healthy competition is encouraged, cheating or rude and disruptive conduct shall not be tolerated.
- Patriotism and Respect for the Flag
- The Flag of the United States of America shall be appropriately displayed at all schools in keeping with customary and accepted practices. Students shall show proper respect for their country's emblem. The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag shall be recited at the beginning of each day in each public school classroom, led by a student in the classroom as assigned by the classroom teacher on a rotating basis. At least once per year, students shall be instructed that participation in the Pledge is voluntary and not compulsory, and students should show respect for any student who chooses not to participate. A student may be excused from reciting the Pledge upon written request from the student’s parent or legal guardian. Discourteous treatment of the flag or other national symbols shall be cause for disciplinary action.
- Use of Alcohol, Tobacco, Narcotics, and Drugs
- Student use or possession of alcohol, tobacco, narcotics, and drugs is prohibited by law. Students who break the law shall be disciplined according to policy set forth in Policy AS90—Drugs and Alcohol.
- Cellular Telephones
- Possession of a cellular telephone by a student is a privilege that may be forfeited by any student that uses his/her cell phone inappropriately. A student who possesses a cellular phone shall assume responsibility for its care. At no time shall the District be responsible for preventing theft, loss or damage to cell phones brought onto school property. Cellular telephone use during classroom time, instructional activities and field trips is prohibited. Cellular telephones must remain off during these times. Exceptions to this policy may be granted by school administration on a case by case basis to accommodate family emergencies or medical necessity. Students violating these guidelines will be disciplined in accordance with District Policy AS 67—Discipline of Students.
- Electronic Devices
- Any use of an electronic device that exploits personal information, disrupts the educational process, invades personal privacy or compromises the integrity of educational programs is strictly prohibited. Students in violation will be disciplined in accordance with District Policy AS67—Discipline of Students.
- Dangerous or Disruptive Conduct
- Students who engage in dangerous or disruptive conduct, including bringing any weapon or facsimile of a weapon to school, committing arson, burglary, larceny, criminal mischief, battery or assault, or who engage in activities which violate federal, state or local laws, shall be excluded from school. (See Policy AS67—Discipline of Students).
- School Dress and Grooming: See the district Dress and Appearance Guidelines
- Student Conduct
- Speech and Manners
- There shall be no display of manner or speech that would be, or tend to be, lewd, vulgar, wanton, lascivious, defamatory, or otherwise disruptive to the wholesome educational environment of the school.
- The Board of Education herein adopts the full intent of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake County, 1966, Chapter 28, to Title XVI, as amended, Relating to "Offenses in or About Schools, Colleges, or Universities," as it may apply to printed materials or speech and manners of all individuals that may be within or about the school premises.
- Infractions by other than students shall be reported to the proper authorities. Infractions by students may result in suspension from school.
AS98 – Bullying and Cyberbullying
- Board Directive
- Jordan School District is committed to providing a safe and civil school environment in which all members of the school community are treated with dignity and respect. The Board, therefore, delegates to the District Administration responsibility for establishing policy regarding bullying and cyberbullying.
- Administrative Policy
- The Administration shall take appropriate disciplinary action when students or employees engage in bullying or cyberbullying.
- Definitions
- Bullying: aggressive behavior that is intentional and that involves an imbalance of power or strength. A student or employee is being bullied or victimized when he or she is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more students or employees.
- Physical bullying including but not limited to hitting and/or punching
- Verbal bullying including but not limited to teasing or name calling
- Non-verbal or emotional bullying including but not limited to intimidation through gestures, social exclusion and relational aggression
- The conduct described above constitutes bullying, regardless of whether the person against whom the conduct is committed directed, consented to, or acquiesced in, the conduct.
- Cyberbullying: aggressive behavior that is sent via internet, cell phone, or another device to send or post text, video, or an image with the intent or knowledge, or with reckless disregard, that the text, video, or image will hurt, embarrass, or threaten an individual, regardless of whether the individual directed, consented to, or acquiesced in the conduct, or voluntarily accessed the electronic communication.
- Harassment: repeatedly communicating to another individual, in an objectively demeaning or disparaging manner, statements that contribute to a hostile learning or work environment for the individual (See Policy AS94—Student Discrimination and Harassment and DP358—Employee Discrimination and Harassment).
- Retaliation: an act of communication intended:
- As retribution against a person for reporting bullying, cyberbullying, or harassment; or
- To improperly influence the investigation of, or the response to, a report of bullying.
- Bullying: aggressive behavior that is intentional and that involves an imbalance of power or strength. A student or employee is being bullied or victimized when he or she is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more students or employees.
- Prohibitions
- No school employee, student, or patron may engage in bullying, cyberbullying or harassing a school employee or student:
- On school property
- At a school related or sponsored event
- On a school bus
- At a school bus stop
- While the school employee or student is traveling to or from a location or event described above.
- No school employee or student may engage in cyberbullying a school employee or student at any time or in any location.
- No school employee or student may engage in retaliation against:
- A school employee
- A student
- An investigator for, or witness of, an alleged incident of bullying, harassment, cyberbullying, or retaliation
- No school employee or student may make a false allegation of bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, or retaliation against a school employee or student.
- Any bullying, cyberbullying, or harassment, that is found to be targeted at a federally protected class is further prohibited under federal anti-discrimination laws and is subject to compliance regulations from the Office for Civil Rights (see Policy AS94—Student Discrimination and Harassment).
- No school employee, student, or patron may engage in bullying, cyberbullying or harassing a school employee or student:
- Guidelines
- Each reported complaint shall include:
- Name of complaining party
- Name of offender (if known)
- Date and location of incident(s)
- A statement describing the incident(s), including names of witnesses (if known)
- Each reported violation of the prohibitions noted previously shall be promptly investigated by a school administrator or an individual designated by a school administrator. Formal disciplinary action is prohibited based solely on an anonymous report of bullying, hazing, or retaliation.
- Violations of the prohibitions noted previously may fall under District Policy AS67—Discipline of Students and the consequence(s) may include but are not limited to:
- Student suspension or removal from a school-sponsored team or activity, including school-sponsored transportation;
- Student referral, under District Policy AS67—Discipline of Students, or a lesser disciplinary action which may merit student suspension or expulsion from school
- Employee suspension or termination for cause or lesser disciplinary action
- Employee reassignment
- Other action against student or employee as applicable
- Action to include when appropriate:
- Procedures for protecting the victim and other involved individuals from being subjected to:
- further bullying, cyberbullying, or harassment
- retaliation for reporting the bullying, cyberbullying and harassment
- Referral of victim and/or aggressor to school psychologist, counselor, or other appropriate support personnel
- Procedures for a fair and timely opportunity for the accused to explain the accusations and defend his/her actions prior to student or employee discipline.
- Incidents of bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, and retaliation will be reported to the Superintendent or Superintendent’s designee.
- Procedures for providing local employee discipline rights under DP 316—Orderly Termination Procedures for employee discipline and District Policy AS67 —Discipline of Students prior to long-term (more than 10 days) student discipline should be followed as appropriate.
- Procedures for protecting the victim and other involved individuals from being subjected to:
- Each reported complaint shall include:
- Training and Additional Considerations
- The training of school employees shall include training regarding bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, and retaliation.
- Definitions
*Upon completing the online process, your online signature will also serve as verification that you have read and reviewed the Foothills Elementary Code of Conduct for Responsible Behavior